H A P P E N I N G   N O W

eiKelowna Site Redesign

We are trying to use our time during this provincial state-of-emergency lockdown to do another major redesign of our site. We have already added special functionality on our restaurant pages to allow you to see who is offering what special services during this global pandemic.

Virtually every section of the site is also getting a major overhaul to try and bring you the most current infomration about Kelowna in a way that looks and works great on your phone and your desktop and everything in between. Please be patient while we apply our new design across all the pages...... Thank you!

If you want to know more about us, and why we have chosen to undertake this total update and redesign, please visit our About eiKelowna page.

After much thought and discussion we have decided to get back to what drove us to create the site in the very beginning....

Our love of music and the arts.

why redesign?

e = entertainment

i = information

Our mission at eiKelowna is to provide you with the richest and most complete information regarding music, the arts, and culture in the Kelowna area.