B U S I N E S S | P R O F I L E
Last Guitar Experience
Guitar Bass Ukulele Voice Drum Lessons
In Conroy Lee Ross's mind, there is a shortage of great guitar players... He questions as to why. "Is learning guitar really that hard?" Few opportunities in the community to be hired as a music teacher and the need for a new school of thought
for the next generation of guitar gods, the vision and drive of being an entrepreneur and passion to make this dream come true, the Last Guitar Experience was born.
"There's never been a better time to learn the guitar (electric or acoustic). Improvements in technology with streaming and downloading content off the internet has made it easier than ever! Learning happens many different ways and for the
first time ever you can download PDF and Guitar Pro versions of TAB (tablature) with matching sheet music and follow along with guided online video lessons anywhere in the world which is amazing!" - Conroy Lee Ross